
The model number of your Toro walk-behind lawn mower will typically be found on the rear of the housing, behind the bag retention flap, unless otherwise noted. Some of the other sites include: Zero-Turn Rider and Out Front Z, among others.
The steering tower is on the left side of the vehicle.
Handle is located in the bottom right corner.

The back of the frame
The model and serial number of the housing may be found on the housing.
I also have a question about how to determine the age of my Toro lawn mower.

The model number of your Toro walk-behind lawn mower will typically be found on the rear of the housing, behind the bag retention flap, unless otherwise noted. Among the other sites are:
Out Front Z, Zero-Turn Rider, Zero-Turn Rider
The steering tower is on the left side of the vehicle.
Handle is located in the bottom right corner.

The back of the frame.
The model and serial number of the housing may be found on the housing.
o identify the model number of a Toro lawn tractor, look for the label in one of five places: beneath the seat, on the dashboard, next to the steering column, on the footrest, or on top of the mower deck.

Given this information, what year was my Toro snowblower manufactured?
On Toro’s Parts Viewer website, you may figure out the year of manufacturing by entering the model number and then checking the serial number list for the year of manufacture. Afterwards, you may look at exploded parts diagrams and look up the part numbers for any components you might want. The vehicle you’re looking at was manufactured in 1990.
What year does my MTD mower belong to?
Location of the Identification Tag The ID tag for an MTD walk behind mower is positioned on the back of the deck or near the rear door. It contains the model and serial number. Look up the components for your MTD lawn mower.

What is the model number of my Honda lawn mower?
Depending on whether your Honda push mower is equipped with a Honda engine, the model and serial numbers may be located beneath the product housing or, in some cases, on the right side of the engine housing. For Honda HRM models, the identifying numbers may be found on the rear of the mower, close to where the bagging mechanism is located.
What is the best way to determine how old a lawn mower is?
Craftsman lawn mowers employ a serial number formula that shows the date of production of your mower. This formula is available online. You can simply ascertain the age of your mower by finding the serial number tag on the machine and reading it. Whether you have the owner’s handbook for your mower, you may also look at the date written on the inside of the manual to see if it was manufactured recently.

The model number of a Briggs & Stratton lawn mower engine may be found at the following location:
It is possible to find your model number in one of three places on your push lawn mower, which is powered by a Briggs & Stratton engine. It is located on the front of the engine, immediately above the ignition coil. The air cleaner is located on the front of the engine, between the OHV emblem and the intake manifold.
What is my Victa model number and where can I locate it?
Located on the top of the air filter element cartridge is a label that identifies the model of the vehicle being built. The label is either a “V” series or model number.
Is oil included with Toro lawn mowers?
What is the proper way to replace the oil in my lawn mower? Mowers with the Recycler® and Super Recycler® brand names: Toro Walk oil is recommended for use in this application. SF, SG, SH, SJ, SL, or higher API service rating for 4-cycle engines in behind-mowers and other agricultural equipment. Start the engine and let it run for five minutes to warm the oil and make it easier to drain.
On a Craftsman push mower, where can I find the model number?
For a Craftsman riding mower, the model and serial number may be found on the frame under the seat, as well as on each side of the seat’s bottom.
On a Toro snowblower, where can I get the serial number?
The Model and Serial Numbers of a Toro Snow Blower are easy to find. Check out what’s happening at the bottom of the machine’s back. On the rear axle cover, there should be a sticker indicating the problem.
What is the best way to determine what year my snowblower is?
Example: If the Date Code is 5240, the Year is identified by the first character, 5, in the code. The final three numbers designate the consecutive day of the year, which is nnn out of 365 days.
What is a recycler lawn mower, and how does it work?
Using a mower that recycles your clippings not only makes mowing quicker and simpler, but it also saves you money. The cutting chamber of Toro Recycler mowers is designed in such a way that the grass clippings are kept in the air as much as possible. In addition, it is equipped with deflectors that “kick” the grass back into the ground via specially designed blades.
On a lawn boy, where is the model number to be found?
The model and serial number may be found on the top of the mower, near the left rear tyre, and on the bottom of the mower.
How can I find out what my MTD serial number is?
The initial character of the model number should be noted. Consider the second character, which will signify the sort of mower or accessory you’re looking for. To find out when year your product was made, look at the third character on the label. Make a note of the numbers that appear after the dash and before the letter at the end of the model’s name, if one exists.
What is my MTD model number and where can I discover it?
On your equipment’s identification tag, which may be found in a variety of locations on your machine, you will see the MTD model number listed. Product name, customer care location, and phone number are all included on this tag, which measures roughly 2″ by 3″.
What is MTD Products stand for? What does it do?
MTD Products Inc. is a Canadian company that manufactures and distributes a variety of products. It started off as a tool and die manufacturer (Modern Tool and Die Company). MTD’s primary rivals include Stihl, Ariens, Snapper Inc., John Deere, and Husqvarna. MTD also has a partnership with Snapper Inc. The Troy-Bilt, Bolens, Cub Cadet, and Yard-Man brands and/or businesses were bought by MTD throughout the course of time.